Crystalline refers to an ultra-pure, isolated cannabis extract composed of over 99% THCA, CBDA or CBD in crystalline form. The incredibly high cannabinoid concentration causes the extract to physically solidify into a crystalline formation with a faceted, diamond-like shimmering appearance. Achieving this extent of purity requires intensive processing to strip away all other compounds and isolate the desired cannabinoid. Common laboratory methods to produce crystallines include using solvents like hexane or preparative chromatography to separate, isolate, and concentrate specific cannabinoids into their crystallized forms. The end result is an odorless, flavorless fine white or amber powder containing only the isolated crystalline cannabinoid. While crystalline THCA and CBD can certainly be consumed on their own, they are commonly combined and liquefied with cannabis-derived or botanically-sourced terpene sauces to help reintroduce more dynamic aromas, flavors, and a fuller ensemble of compounds to provide the desired entourage effect.