Errl (pronounced like “Earl”) is a slang term used in cannabis culture that originally referred specifically to any form of liquid cannabis oil or extract. The distinctive word likely emerged organically from the common tendency of Southern American dialects to pronounce “oil” as “erl.” Before the advent of legal concentrates, erll served as shorthand for referring to the slippery homemade cannabis oils produced through DIY extraction methods. However, as dabbing rose to prominence over the last decade, erll’s meaning expanded as a catchall synonym for extracts and concentrates in general. While not heard nearly as ubiquitously today, erll remains an endearing piece of old school cannabis lexicon that respects the subculture origins of modern dabbing practices. Beyond oral history, the unique name also captures certain solvent-based extracts’ viscous, oily properties and fluidity. In fact, other emerging terms like “schmerrgle” and “shlerb” creatively evolved from erll over time to further expand and diversify the vocabulary around cannabis concentrates and portable dab culture.