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Green out

Alana Rossi
August 19, 2023

Greening out refers to experiencing a slew of undesirable physical and mental side effects after consuming far too much cannabis via smoking, vaping, ingesting edibles or otherwise using too large of a dose. While generally never life-threatening or dangerous, greening out can become an extremely unpleasant state.

Newer inexperienced cannabis consumers may be at higher risk of greening out unintentionally, especially when overindulging with today's potent marijuana edibles, live resins and other extracts. Pushing well beyond personal tolerance levels unexpectedly or reacting adversely to specific compounds or doses leads to symptoms like severe anxiety, pounding heart rate, nausea, disorientation, dizziness and vomiting, typically lasting 1-3 miserable hours until the effects start to fade.

Preventing unpleasant experiences like greening out involves understanding your personal limitations and Δ9-THC dosage thresholds through trial and error using small amounts, allowing adequate time for onset of effects to manifest before considering any redosing, and always keeping CBD oil on hand to counteract unwanted psychoactivity. If you do happen to green out, stay calm, well-hydrated and with a trusted friend in a safe space until the concentrated dose of THC metabolites and byproducts are sufficiently metabolized and deactivated by your system.

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