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Mycotoxins are toxic chemical compounds that are produced as secondary metabolites by certain fungi and mold species. Mycotoxins can occur in nature and contaminate agricultural crops, including cannabis plants and products. There are many different types of mycotoxins, with some of the most common found on cannabis being aflatoxins and ochratoxins. When ingested, inhaled, or otherwise introduced into the body, mycotoxins can cause adverse health effects in humans and animals depending on the specific mycotoxin. Potential effects range from liver damage, kidney toxicity, gastrointestinal distress, increased cancer risk over time, and immunosuppression. Because of the considerable dangers of mycotoxin exposure, all properly regulated medical and adult-use cannabis markets mandate rigorous testing for mycotoxins. However, mycotoxins remain a potential health risk when purchasing untested cannabis products from unregulated sources.

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