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Close-up of a eucalyptus branch with green leaves against a grey background.

Phellandrene is a lesser known and relatively rare terpene found in some cannabis cultivars as well as plants like eucalyptus and lemons. It carries a distinct scent described as minty, woody, and mildly citrusy. Two different variations or isomers of phellandrene exist – alpha and beta phellandrene – each with slightly different aromatic properties. Though not highly prevalent, more substantial levels of phellandrene do appear in certain cannabis strains, including well-known varieties like Jack Herer. Beyond contributing flavor and aroma, early research indicates potential therapeutic benefits of phellandrene as an anti-fungal, antioxidant, anti-cancer agent for tumors, and pain reliever. However, human trials are still needed to confirm effects and safety for medical applications, as most existing research remains preliminary or animal based. For now, phellandrene’s value in cannabis remains focused on aroma and entourage contributions rather than proven medicinal actions.

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