Yield refers to the quantity of usable cannabis produced by a cannabis plant or grow operation. High yielding strains and optimized grow techniques help maximize crop production. Factors like genetics, environment, and growing practices all contribute to the yield potential of cannabis plants. Yield is measured by the amount of dried flower buds harvested from the plants, as buds are the consumable product containing most cannabinoids and terpenes. As plants dry, buds lose moisture weight, so dry weight yield is much lower than wet weight at harvest. Yield depends on the size and density of buds produced. Genetics play a key role in yield — some cannabis strains naturally grow large, dense buds, while others remain smaller and airy. Dialing in the right environmental conditions like lighting and nutrients provides plants with the tools to reach full yield potential. Grow techniques like SCROG and lollipopping also help redirect plant energy toward bud production.